Tuesday, July 29, 2008

எஔதிபுல் பெஒப்லே

Some more beautiful faces from the launch - many photographed while the muscians were playing - Not sure who everyone pictured here is (and I hope no one minds being posted, if so just e me...) but they're all gorgeous and radiant, non?

அலசோ இன் அட்டேண்டன்சே...

Also in attendance - plenty plenty Angels!


Angel orbs are the little white circles...

Double-click the pics to see them clearly (especially the Ben one).

On a personal note: I've had a dodgy eyelid for about two or three weeks. Red, raw and irritated to the point I was about to go to the doctor. Yesterday I asked the Angels to heal my eye. Then I went to the Amma night. This morning I woke up and my eye is back to normal. Et voila! Thank you!

ஓம் நமோ நாராயணி!

Ben Lee - performs a song called SURRENDER! (Well, I think that might be what it's called... I also think it's from his next album...)

For anyone reading this blog who doesn't know, Surrender is Amma's key word. Om Namo Narayani means "I surrender to the Divine". As in, I accept that God/dess knows best.

At the risk of breaking about 1209381938192 laws of international copyright, here's a snippet of Ben rocking the room with this song. If I should "cease and desist" and pull the clip, someone please e me (gently!) :-)

PS Just found this (below) on youtube. I can't say for sure as I've never asked Ben, but I think this song IS about Amma... (I hear a lot of people saying "Der!!") PPS Nice suit, Ben! :-)

த லுன்ச்!

Last night, we launched the BNF - aka the Beloved Narayani Foundation, a not-for-profit spiritual community set up to held raise funds for Amma's projects, start with the Gift of Life program.

The party was the work of a team of 20 led by fearless executive Nicole Azzopardi who surely earned thousands of Angel caresses for her tireless efforts which culminated in a super successful soirée held in (where else but...?) Bondi! At Absolute Photography, to be exact (hence the amazing photos on the walls in some of these pics).

Edo kicked the night off with a lighting of the lamps. Then he and Nadav, in their capacity as The Kahn Brothers, played absolutely beautifully, as always, followed by a rousing performance by Ben Lee (see above), who showed us all why he's internationally successful with his amazing and Amma-appropriate song Surrender, as well as a beautiful number with the luscious Jessie C.

We also had a talk about Congential Heart Disease from Dr Lucy and Chris Walker's amazing film of Sripuram.

As we used to say in our School Magazine year book reports, a good time was had by all! Hope (pretty sure) Amma enjoyed the night too,music, chai, Om biccies and all!

Some people say that the Aussie Beloved Narayani Foundation is preparation for Amma to come to Oz and I hope they're right!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

எ ரெஃஉஎஸ்த்

Dear Amma

Please come to Australia.

Love Yasmin (and, I'd wager, all the other Aussie devotees)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ப்லோக் update

Website update: Daniel is working on the site so it's no longer visible...

Except it is.

Confused, in Bondi...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008